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Catalog: Tarot and Oracle decks

Mlle Lenormand Oracle #1941
Perfect edition of the most popular styles of Oracle decks across the world.

$ 20.00

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Art Deco Fortune Telling Oracle ( #1946)
An art-deco era cartomancy set from Vienna, with charming art depicting 1920-1930 era images (52 cards).

$ 24.00

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Fiabeschi Tarot
The Tarot is all about balance. With this deck, you can tap into animal energies with ease. These images combine animal and human figures while maintaining the recognizable compositions of traditional Tarot.

$ 24.00

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Gypsy Fortune Telling Oracle (#1901)
An Oracle from Vienna, with charming watercoloured pen-and-ink art depicting circa 1900 era images

$ 24.00

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Fortune Telling Oracle (Le Jeu Destin Antique #1944)
Beautifully illustrated 32 cards Oracle deck with booklet in French and English.

$ 24.00

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Jeu Lenormand Oracle
This deck was created in 19th century on the basis of Madame Lenormand’s conception.

$ 24.00

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Small Lenormand Oracle (Petit Lenormand )
The Small Lenormand ("Petit Lenormand") was published in France in 1976.

$ 24.00

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Lenormand Oracle (Mystisches Lenormand)
These powerful cards hold the key to our unconscious, they help in reviewing the past, warn against hasty steps in present and, moreover, they are able to show you the future.

$ 24.00

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Kemet Tarot
Unusual and colorful interpretation of the symbolism of the Egyptian Tarot (22 Major Arcana for divination). Set includes companion booklet with each card meaning (English).

$ 29.00

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Sibilla Della Zingara (Gypsy Fortune Telling Oracle)
This gypsy oracle deck is another reprint of an original old Piedmontese or Milanese deck Art Déco style...

$ 30.00

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Rider-Waite-Smith Classical Tarot
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck is the most popular Tarot deck in use today in the English-speaking world.

$ 30.00

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Gypsy Lenormand Oracle
These cards blend the symbolism of the famous Mlle Lenormand Oracle Deck with the art of Gypsy fortune telling.

$ 36.00

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Dragons Tarot
Dragons are an ancient symbol of knowledge and power that appear in the history of virtually every culture in the world.This Tarot is based on the Dragon symbols.

$ 36.00

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Bosch Tarot
The Bosch Tarot is intended to reflect the sixteenth century conceptions of universe through the prism of Bosch's paintings, who aimed to explain that humanity is destined to damnation, deserving of hell, uniting his nightmares with reality.

$ 36.00

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Decameron Tarot
Decameron Tarot is a sexually explicit deck inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio's "Decameron", a 14th-century allegorical work best known for its bawdy tales of love, appearing in all its possibilities from the erotic to the tragic. FOR ADULTS ONLY.

$ 36.00

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Tarot of the Gnomes
Each card contains a symbolic meaning, ciphered in the images of little dwarfs who mine the crystals of their wisdom in the universe depths...

$ 36.00

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Medieval Cat Tarot
Medieval Cat Tarot is a refine, elegant and fascinating deck designed by Lawrence Teng with Renaissance flair and a humorous twist. The cards emanate the spirit of Visconti-Sforza...

$ 36.00

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Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo
This magic deck leads you into the mystical world of the Night, filled with mist, where gentle light beams shine through...

$ 36.00

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Albrecht Durer Tarot (color)
This deck of Tarot is based on the old Albrecht Durer's engravings, drawn in the style for which he was famous. The artist who drew the deck is Giacinto Gaudenzi. The scenes are in an colored engraved style.

$ 36.00

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Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dowson
The Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dawson, based on the esoteric Tarot of the "Order of the Golden Dawn".

$ 36.00

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Tarot of the Master
Created and published in Torino(1893) with the title "I Naibi di Giovanni Vacchetta"

$ 36.00

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Albrecht Durer Tarot Major Arcana
This deck of Majors is based on the old engravings by Albrecht Durer, drawn in the style for which he was famous. The artist who drew the deck is oustanding Giacinto Gaudenzi...

$ 44.00

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Golden Tarot of Klimt
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) was one of the greatest Viennese artists working in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century, famous for the exility, sensuality and charm of his works...

$ 40.00

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Hudes Tarot
This fascinating Tarot deck by Susan Hudes, published in is inspired by the magical and symbolic nature of medieval art and mythology...

$ 40.00

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Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley
The Thoth Tarot was created by the great and famous occultist Aleister Crowley and Lady Harris has transposed all subtleties of his ideas onto her paintings...

$ 40.00

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Nine Dragons' I-Ching Oracle
I-Ching philosophical system (or Book of Changes in English) is an ancient and authentic divination tool that was a deskbook for imperial dynasties and guide to an ethical life for thousands of years in China. Each card includes meaning in eight languages: English, Chinese, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and German.

$ 42.00

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Great Bible Tarot Companion Book (Russian edition)
This book connects the descriptive imagery of biblical stories in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible with the hidden archetypal meanings of the symbols in the Tarot cards.

$ 47.00

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Great Bible Tarot by Gustave Dore (Russian edition)
This deck is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a beautiful and faithful deck that truly embodies the Western bibliomancy traditions and connects the descriptive imagery of biblical stories in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible with the hidden archetypal meanings of the symbols in the Tarot cards.

$ 47.00

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Great Bible Tarot Companion Book
This book connects the descriptive imagery of biblical stories in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible with the hidden archetypal meanings of the symbols in the Tarot cards.

$ 47.00

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Great Bible Tarot Spanish Edition (El Tarot de la Gran Biblia)
El TAROT DE LA GRAN BIBLIA es la opción perfecta para cualquiera que quiera fieles tarot cartas que realmente encarna el Occidental tradiciones de bibliomancy.

$ 47.00

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Great Bible Tarot by Gustave Dore (English 2021 edition)
This deck is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a beautiful and faithful deck that truly embodies the Western bibliomancy traditions.

$ 47.00

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Tarot of the Shadows
This dark deck is recommended to the experienced Tarot readers and art collectors.

$ 48.00

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OSHO Transformation Tarot
The Osho Transformation Tarot features parables and legends from Zen, Buddhism, Christian, Tantra and other religions. It has 60 cards and is not really a Tarot deck; it has no major arcana or suits.

$ 48.00

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Art Nouveau Tarot Antonella Castelli
Antonella Castelli created this wonderful Art Nouveau Tarot deck on the basis of the famous Art Nouveau artist Alphonse Maria Mucha’s artworks...

$ 48.00

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Tarot de Marseille 1748 (mini)
Pocket size deck of Tarot de Marseille, reprinted 1748 edition.

$ 48.00

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Tarot Flamand de 1780
Tarot de Flamand (The Flamand Tarot or Flemish Tarot) is the best known sample of Franco-Belgian tarot, was originally printed in Brussels, Belgium, around 1750-60...

$ 48.00

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Old English Tarot
The gentle, graceful imagery of Old English Tarot by Maggie Kneen is set against the tapestry of Medieval England and inspires a peaceful atmosphere for readings and meditation...

$ 48.00

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Egyptian Tarot deck
While designing the Egyptian Tarot, Silvana Alasia relied on the conceptions of the outstanding occultist Jean-Baptiste Pitois, famous for inclusion of the tarot tradition to the legendary Book of Thoth...

$ 48.00

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Laseniс Tarot (Pierre de Lasenic Tarot, 1940)
This perfect and unusual Tarot deck was designed by Czech esotericist Pierre de Lasenic (his original name was Petr Pavel Kohout, 1900-1944) and drawn according to Lasenic’s instructions by Czech artist Vladislav Kuzel (1898-1965).

$ 49.00

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Era of Aquarius Tarot
The Era of Aquarius is a lovely deck that follows traditional Tarot themes...

$ 54.00

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Arcus Arcanum Tarot
A male-oriented deck has brightly coloured comic book type artwork and uses the typical suits of cups, wands, swords and disks.

$ 54.00

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Egorov Tarot
The style of Taro Egorov is a bewitching mixture of folk tales and Orthodox Russian icon painting.

$ 60.00

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Baphomet - The Tarot of the Underworld
Baphomet Tarot introduces us to the oldest destiny of mankind, visions of birth and death, and love and hate in the drama of life.

$ 60.00

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Haindl Rune Oracle
The Haindl Rune Oracle deck designed by Bermann Haindl.

$ 60.00

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Sola Busca Tarot
Also known as the Illuminating Ancient Tarot and the Ancient Enlightened Tarot, the deck provides direct way to exploring the secrets of the Western occultism doctrine, the Alchemy and medieval Masters of Natural Philosophy.

$ 60.00

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Tarot of Marseilles
Tarot of Marseilles, published by Piatnik, is nice and very traditional in its wood-cut coloured reproductions.

$ 60.00

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Olympus Tarot
It interweaves popular elements from five thousand years of Grecian history with the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot framework. Each card in the deck represents a myth, god, hero or monster from Ancient Greek legends.

$ 60.00

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Visconti Sforza Tarot
These cards are universally recognized as one of the most extraordinary examples of miniature art and Renaissance symbolism. The Visconti Tarot has been restored for the first time and printed with gold to enhance its original splendor.

$ 60.00

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Fantastical Tarot
The Fantastical Tarot, designed by French artist Nathalie Hertz, is a magical fantasy interpretation of the may look at what seems to be a snapshot of your feelings, reaching towards subconscious…

$ 60.00

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Tarots Egipcios (Egyptian Kier)
Come along to explore the mysteries of the pharaons. The Tarots Egipcios is based on the deck designed by the artist remained unknown, published in the 1970s in Argentina.

$ 60.00

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Eclectic Tarot (#1943)
The Eclectic Tarot by eminent author and illustrator Joseph Machynka. This deck represents the fantasy of esoteric symbolism itself, thus containing realistic elements.

$ 60.00

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Ansata Tarot
The Ansata Tarot contains 22 cards of very detailed, complex imagery and esoteric symbols, mixing European and Egyptian motifs.

$ 65.00

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Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley Premium Edition (3 magus cards)
The Thoth Tarot was created by the great and famous occultist Aleister Crowley and Lady Harris has transposed all subtleties of his ideas onto her paintings...

$ 72.00

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Cosmic Tarot
The purpose of the Cosmic Tarot is to make ancient fortune-telling accessible and understandable to everyone using only a few secret symbols. You can understand the meaning without knowing the old secrets of astrological doctrines, kabbalistic numerology and the tree of life.

$ 78.00

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Ciro Marchetti Gilded Tarot
Let the Gilded Tarot cards open the veil of your future… The deck is filled with symbolism of the classic Tarot decks, thus it is easy-to-use and perfect in intuitive interpreting.

$ 90.00

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Necronomicon Tarot (with book)
The Necronomicon Tarot itself is made out of the dreams and nightmares and its roots reach deep within the unconscious... be careful!

$ 90.00

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Golden Dawn Magical Tarot (with book)
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot uses symbology and colours as adhered to by the Order of the Golden Dawn.

$ 90.00

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Lunatic Tarot
The Lunatic Tarot has 78 cards with expressive, artistic character illustrations in brownish hues. This is not a deck for the faint of heart...

$ 96.00

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Tarot De Marseille De Jacques Vieville 1650
Rare and original Tarot de Marseille, created by Jacques Vieville in the 17th century.

$ 96.00

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New Orlean's Voodoo Tarot
Louis Martinie along with skilled artist Sallie Ann Glassman created and designed this deck on the basis of Voodoo beliefs as "an act of service to the Loa"...

$ 108.00

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Tarot by Gioseppe Maria Mitelli
Gioseppe Maria Mitelli Tarocchini, Tarot by Gioseppe Maria Mitelli, dated to the 17th century.

$ 120.00

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Great Bible Tarot (limited black edition, golden ink)
This deck is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a beautiful and faithful deck that truly embodies the Western bibliomancy traditions.

$ 125.00

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Tarot of the Sephiroth
Tarot of the Sephiroth brings this connection to life by portraying the diagram known as the Tree of Life, possibly the most effective matrix for human consciousness ever devised.

$ 156.00

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The Hofämterspiel ("Royal Household Servants")
This is one of a few late medieval Southern German decks, all cards of which are extant. It belonged to the collection of art treasures gathered in the 16th century by archduke Ferdinand of Tirol.

$ 156.00

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Fiabeschi Tarot
The cute Fiabeschi deck has only major arcana cards, illustrated in a colourful Italian fairytale style and titled in Italian.

$ 160.00

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