Our company owns technologies which give us abilities to completely reproduce ancient books and incunabulas with minimal differences from original editions.
Reproduction of the ancient book implies that all its texts and engravings will be printed on special parchment paper
which corresponds to characteristics of paper/parchment of original edition (including colors, textures, aged stains etc.)
Also will be reconstructed binding type of original inner book. In accordance with your conditions inner book unit can be aged, gilded or goffered.
As covers of many ancient books are often seriously damaged, our company offers you some methods of covers’ reconstruction::
If you like the cover on original edition of the ancient book, - we can reproduce it completely with all decorative elements including copper and brass insertions, fasteners and hinges, inlays, a deep embossing of ornaments and images on a surface of leather cover, engraving, coloring and ageing;
- If original edition cover is seriously damaged or just looking very ordinary, - we can create more attractive handmade leather cover with custom design selected by you;
Currently our company has technical capabilities for an authentic reconstruction of the following books (their descriptions are available separately)::
- «Cosmographia» (Author - Peter Apian, 1495-1552; Issued: Gemma, Reinerus Frisius, 1533);
- «Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Salicet et Minoris Metaphysica» (Author - Robert Fludd, 1574-1637; Issued: 1617-1619);
- «A True & Faithful Relation of Dr. John Dee and some spirits» (Author - Meric Casaubon D.D.; Issued: London, 1659);
- «Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae» (Author - Gustavi Seleni, Issued:1624);
- «Monas Hieroglyphica» (Author - John Dee; Issued:1564);
- «Oedipus Aegyptiacus» (Author - Athanasius Kircher, Issued: 1653);
- «Kabbala Denudata seu Doctrina Hebraeorum Transcendentalis et Metaphysica» (Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, 1677);
- «The book of Ruth» (Issued for King James I, 1611);
- «Ichnographia Emblematica Triplicity Ad Deum Tri-Unum Mysticae Viae»; ( Issued: Augsberg, 1779);
- «Evangelia cum prefat. Hieronymi» ( Issued: Germany/Saxony 1250);
- «Book of Hours. Horae» ( Issued: France/Brugge 1460-1465);
Please contact us (use e-mail addresses or phones from "Contact Us" site section) if you need any additional information.