I-Ching philosophical system (or Book of Changes in English) is an ancient and authentic divination tool that was a deskbook for imperial dynasties and guide to an ethical life for thousands of years in China. I-Ching also was an Oracle of the personal future and the future of the state because the Chinese believe that it can explain everything in the world. In Western culture, it has been known for over four hundred years and now is surely the most popularly recognized Chinese book. Divination using I-Ching hexagram Oracle cards is an alternative way to traditional methods of consulting the Chinese Book of Changes (I-Ching). These cards have the advantage that readings can be done quickly and easily even by an unskilled reader. You just need to frame your question hold it clearly in mind and shuffle the deck of 64 hexagrams. Turn over one card, read and interpret the meaning corresponding to the coming situation. Each card includes meaning in eight languages: English, Chinese, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and German.